Top Stories published by @MPD in 2008

The 4 Types Of Exits: IPO

IPO or initial public offering is another of the four types of exits. In an initial public offering, a company first sells a portion of it shares in a public market, such as the NY Stock Exchange or the NASDAQ.

Pre-Money Valuation Is Net Of Debt

Since the pre-money valuation reflects the valuation of the company as a stand alone entity, this value is reflective of all of the value creating and detracting factors. As a result, the pre-money value inherently represents of the underlying value of the company…

The Objectives Of The All Partner Meeting

In my post, How VCs Make Decisions Internally, I laid out a few models that explain how partnerships function when evaluating deals. Some of these structures require a presentation to the entire partnership when your company is progressing through the…

These were the top 10 stories published by @MPD in 2008. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2008 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Mark Peter Davis, Managing Partner of Interplay Ventures, is a NYC-based venture capitalist, entrepreneur, author, startup community organizer, and podcast host.
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